Opcode Instruction Clocks Description D0 /2 RCL r/m8,1 9/10 Rotate 9 bits (CF,r/m byte) left once D2 /2 RCL r/m8,CL 9/10 Rotate 9 bits (CF,r/m byte) left CL times C0 /2 ib RCL r/m8,imm8 9/10 Rotate 9 bits (CF,r/m byte) left imm8 times D1 /2 RCL r/m16,1 9/10 Rotate 17 bits (CF,r/m word) left once D3 /2 RCL r/m16,CL 9/10 Rotate 17 bits (CF,r/m word) left CL times C1 /2 ib RCL r/m16,imm8 9/10 Rotate 17 bits (CF,r/m word) left imm8 times D1 /2 RCL r/m32,1 9/10 Rotate 33 bits (CF,r/m dword) left once D3 /2 RCL r/m32,CL 9/10 Rotate 33 bits (CF,r/m dword) left CL times C1 /2 ib RCL r/m32,imm8 9/10 Rotate 33 bits (CF,r/m dword) left imm8 times D0 /3 RCR r/m8,1 9/10 Rotate 9 bits (CF,r/m byte) right once D2 /3 RCR r/m8,CL 9/10 Rotate 9 bits (CF,r/m byte) right CL times C0 /3 ib RCR r/m8,imm8 9/10 Rotate 9 bits (CF,r/m byte) right imm8 times D1 /3 RCR r/m16,1 9/10 Rotate 17 bits (CF,r/m word) right once D3 /3 RCR r/m16,CL 9/10 Rotate 17 bits (CF,r/m word) right CL times C1 /3 ib RCR r/m16,imm8 9/10 Rotate 17 bits (CF,r/m word) right imm8 times D1 /3 RCR r/m32,1 9/10 Rotate 33 bits (CF,r/m dword) right once D3 /3 RCR r/m32,CL 9/10 Rotate 33 bits (CF,r/m dword) right CL times C1 /3 ib RCR r/m32,imm8 9/10 Rotate 33 bits (CF,r/m dword) right imm8 times D0 /0 ROL r/m8,1 3/7 Rotate 8 bits r/m byte left once D2 /0 ROL r/m8,CL 3/7 Rotate 8 bits r/m byte left CL times C0 /0 ib ROL r/m8,imm8 3/7 Rotate 8 bits r/m byte left imm8 times D1 /0 ROL r/m16,1 3/7 Rotate 16 bits r/m word left once D3 /0 ROL r/m16,CL 3/7 Rotate 16 bits r/m word left CL times C1 /0 ib ROL r/m16,imm8 3/7 Rotate 16 bits r/m word left imm8 times D1 /0 ROL r/m32,1 3/7 Rotate 32 bits r/m dword left once D3 /0 ROL r/m32,CL 3/7 Rotate 32 bits r/m dword left CL times C1 /0 ib ROL r/m32,imm8 3/7 Rotate 32 bits r/m dword left imm8 times D0 /1 ROR r/m8,1 3/7 Rotate 8 bits r/m byte right once D2 /1 ROR r/m8,CL 3/7 Rotate 8 bits r/m byte right CL times C0 /1 ib ROR r/m8,imm8 3/7 Rotate 8 bits r/m word right imm8 times D1 /1 ROR r/m16,1 3/7 Rotate 16 bits r/m word right once D3 /1 ROR r/m16,CL 3/7 Rotate 16 bits r/m word right CL times C1 /1 ib ROR r/m16,imm8 3/7 Rotate 16 bits r/m word right imm8 times D1 /1 ROR r/m32,1 3/7 Rotate 32 bits r/m dword right once D3 /1 ROR r/m32,CL 3/7 Rotate 32 bits r/m dword right CL times C1 /1 ib ROR r/m32,imm8 3/7 Rotate 32 bits r/m dword right imm8 times
(* ROL - Rotate Left *) temp <- COUNT; WHILE (temp <> 0) DO tmpcf <- high-order bit of (r/m); r/m <- r/m * 2 + (tmpcf); temp <- temp - 1; OD; IF COUNT = 1 THEN IF high-order bit of r/m <> CF THEN OF <- 1; ELSE OF <- 0;
FI; ELSE OF <- undefined;FI; (* ROR - Rotate Right *) temp <- COUNT; WHILE (temp <> 0 ) DO tmpcf <- low-order bit of (r/m); r/m <- r/m / 2 + (tmpcf * 2^(width(r/m))); temp <- temp - 1; DO; IF COUNT = 1 THEN IF (high-order bit of r/m) <> (bit next to high-order bit of r/m) THEN OF <- 1; ELSE OF <- 0;
FI; ELSE OF <- undefined;FI;
Each rotate instruction shifts the bits of the register or memory operand given. The left rotate instructions shift all the bits upward, except for the top bit, which is returned to the bottom. The right rotate instructions do the reverse: the bits shift downward until the bottom bit arrives at the top.
For the RCL and RCR instructions, the carry flag is part of the rotated quantity. RCL shifts the carry flag into the bottom bit and shifts the top bit into the carry flag; RCR shifts the carry flag into the top bit and shifts the bottom bit into the carry flag. For the ROL and ROR instructions, the original value of the carry flag is not a part of the result, but the carry flag receives a copy of the bit that was shifted from one end to the other.
The rotate is repeated the number of times indicated by the second operand, which is either an immediate number or the contents of the CL register. To reduce the maximum instruction execution time, the 80386 does not allow rotation counts greater than 31. If a rotation count greater than 31 is attempted, only the bottom five bits of the rotation are used. The 8086 does not mask rotation counts. The 80386 in Virtual 8086 Mode does mask rotation counts.
The overflow flag is defined only for the single-rotate forms of the instructions (second operand = 1). It is undefined in all other cases. For left shifts/rotates, the CF bit after the shift is XORed with the high-order result bit. For right shifts/rotates, the high-order two bits of the result are XORed to get OF.
Flags Affected
OF only for single rotates; OF is undefined for multi-bit rotates; CF as described above
Protected Mode Exceptions
#GP(0) if the result is in a nonwritable segment; #GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault
Real Address Mode Exceptions
Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH
Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions
Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault
Opcode Instruction Clocks Description F3 6C REP INS r/m8, DX 13+6*(E)CX, pm=7+6*(E)CX If CPL . IOPL/ 27+6*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Input (E)CX bytes from port DX into ES:[(E)DI] F3 6D REP INS r/m16,DX 13+6*(E)CX, pm=7+6*(E)CX If CPL . IOPL/ 27+6*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Input (E)CX words from port DX into ES:[(E)DI] F3 6D REP INS r/m32,DX 13+6*(E)CX, pm=7+6*(E)CX If CPL . IOPL/ 27+6*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Input (E)CX dwords from port DX into ES:[(E)DI] F3 A4 REP MOVS m8,m8 5+4*(E)CX Move (E)CX bytes from [(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI] F3 A5 REP MOVS m16,m16 5+4*(E)CX Move (E)CX words from [(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI] F3 A5 REP MOVS m32,m32 5+4*(E)CX Move (E)CX dwords from [(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI] F3 6E REP OUTS DX,r/m8 5+12*(E)CX, pm=6+5*(E)CX If CPL . IOPL/ 26+5*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Output (E)CX bytes from [(E)SI] to port DX F3 6F REP OUTS DX,r/m16 5+12*(E)CX, pm=6+5*(E)CX If CPL . IOPL/ 26+5*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Output (E)CX words from [(E)SI] to port DX F3 6F REP OUTS DX,r/m32 5+12*(E)CX, pm=6+5*(E)CX If CPL . IOPL/ 26+5*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Output (E)CX dwords from [(E)SI] to port DX F3 AA REP STOS m8 5+5*(E)CX Fill (E)CX bytes at ES:[(E)DI] with AL F3 AB REP STOS m16 5+5*(E)CX Fill (E)CX words at ES:[(E)DI] with AX F3 AB REP STOS m32 5+5*(E)CX Fill (E)CX dwords at ES:[(E)DI] with EAX F3 A6 REPE CMPS m8,m8 5+9*N Find nonmatching bytes in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F3 A7 REPE CMPS m16,m16 5+9*N Find nonmatching words in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F3 A7 REPE CMPS m32,m32 5+9*N Find nonmatching dwords in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F3 AE REPE SCAS m8 5+8*N Find non-AL byte starting at ES:[(E)DI] F3 AF REPE SCAS m16 5+8*N Find non-AX word starting at ES:[(E)DI] F3 AF REPE SCAS m32 5+8*N Find non-EAX dword starting at ES:[(E)DI] F2 A6 REPNE CMPS m8,m8 5+9*N Find matching bytes in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F2 A7 REPNE CMPS m16,m16 5+9*N Find matching words in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F2 A7 REPNE CMPS m32,m32 5+9*N Find matching dwords in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F2 AE REPNE SCAS m8 5+8*N Find AL, starting at ES:[(E)DI] F2 AF REPNE SCAS m16 5+8*N Find AX, starting at ES:[(E)DI] F2 AF REPNE SCAS m32 5+8*N Find EAX, starting at ES:[(E)DI]
IF AddressSize = 16 THEN use CX for CountReg; ELSE (* AddressSize = 32 *) use ECX for CountReg; FI; WHILE CountReg <> 0 DO
service pending interrupts (if any); perform primitive string instruction; CountReg <- CountReg - 1; IF primitive operation is CMPB, CMPW, SCAB, or SCAW THEN IF (instruction is REP/REPE/REPZ) AND (ZF=1) THEN exit WHILE loop ELSE IF (instruction is REPNZ or REPNE) AND (ZF=0) THEN exit WHILE loop; FI; FI; FI; OD;Description
REP, REPE (repeat while equal), and REPNE (repeat while not equal) are prefix that are applied to string operation. Each prefix cause the string instruction that follows to be repeated the number of times indicated in the count register or (for REPE and REPNE) until the indicated condition in the zero flag is no longer met.
Synonymous forms of REPE and REPNE are REPZ and REPNZ, respectively.
The REP prefixes apply only to one string instruction at a time. To repeat a block of instructions, use the LOOP instruction or another looping construct.
The precise action for each iteration is as follows:
1. If the address-size attribute is 16 bits, use CX for the count register; if the address-size attribute is 32 bits, use ECX for the count register. 2. Check CX. If it is zero, exit the iteration, and move to the next instruction. 3. Acknowledge any pending interrupts. 4. Perform the string operation once. 5. Decrement CX or ECX by one; no flags are modified. 6. Check the zero flag if the string operation is SCAS or CMPS. If the repeat condition does not hold, exit the iteration and move to the next instruction. Exit the iteration if the prefix is REPE and ZF is 0 (the last comparison was not equal), or if the prefix is REPNE and ZF is one (the last comparison was equal). 7. Return to step 1 for the next iteration.Repeated CMPS and SCAS instructions can be exited if the count is exhausted or if the zero flag fails the repeat condition. These two cases can be distinguished by using either the JCXZ instruction, or by using the conditional jumps that test the zero flag (JZ, JNZ, and JNE).
Flags Affected
ZF by REP CMPS and REP SCAS as described above
Protected Mode Exceptions
#UD if a repeat prefix is used before an instruction that is not in the list above; further exceptions can be generated when the string operation is executed; refer to the descriptions of the string instructions themselves
Real Address Mode Exceptions
Interrupt 6 if a repeat prefix is used before an instruction that is not in the list above; further exceptions can be generated when the string operation is executed; refer to the descriptions of the string instructions themselves
Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions
#UD if a repeat prefix is used before an instruction that is not in the list above; further exceptions can be generated when the string operation is executed; refer to the descriptions of the string instructions themselves
Not all input/output ports can handle the rate at which the REP INS and REP OUTS instructions execute.
Opcode Instruction Clocks Description C3 RET 10+m Return (near) to caller CB RET 18+m,pm=32+m Return (far) to caller, same privilege CB RET pm=68 Return (far), lesser privilege, switch stacks C2 iw RET imm16 10+m Return (near), pop imm16 bytes of parameters CA iw RET imm16 18+m,pm=32+m Return (far), same privilege, pop imm16 bytes CA iw RET imm16 pm=68 Return (far), lesser privilege, pop imm16 bytes
IF instruction = near RET THEN;
IF OperandSize = 16 THEN IP <- Pop(); EIP <- EIP AND 0000FFFFH; ELSE (* OperandSize = 32 *) EIP <- Pop(); FI; IF instruction has immediate operand THEN eSP <- eSP + imm16; FI; FI;IF (PE = 0 OR (PE = 1 AND VM = 1))
(* real mode or virtual 8086 mode *) AND instruction = far RET THEN; IF OperandSize = 16 THEN IP <- Pop(); EIP <- EIP AND 0000FFFFH; CS <- Pop(); (* 16-bit pop *) ELSE (* OperandSize = 32 *) EIP <- Pop(); CS <- Pop(); (* 32-bit pop, high-order 16-bits discarded *) FI; IF instruction has immediate operand THEN eSP <- eSP + imm16; FI; FI;IF (PE = 1 AND VM = 0) (* Protected mode, not V86 mode *)
AND instruction = far RET THEN IF OperandSize=32 THEN Third word on stack must be within stack limits else #SS(0); ELSE Second word on stack must be within stack limits else #SS(0); FI; Return selector RPL must be . CPL ELSE #GP(return selector) IF return selector RPL = CPL THEN GOTO SAME-LEVEL; ELSE GOTO OUTER-PRIVILEGE-LEVEL; FI; FI;SAME-LEVEL:
Return selector must be non-null ELSE #GP(0) Selector index must be within its descriptor table limits ELSE #GP(selector) Descriptor AR byte must indicate code segment ELSE #GP(selector) IF non-conforming THEN code segment DPL must equal CPL; ELSE #GP(selector); FI; IF conforming THEN code segment DPL must be . CPL; ELSE #GP(selector); FI; Code segment must be present ELSE #NP(selector); Top word on stack must be within stack limits ELSE #SS(0); IP must be in code segment limit ELSE #GP(0); IF OperandSize=32 THEN Load CS:EIP from stack Load CS register with descriptor Increment eSP by 8 plus the immediate offset if it exists ELSE (* OperandSize=16 *) Load CS:IP from stack Load CS register with descriptor Increment eSP by 4 plus the immediate offset if it exists FI;OUTER-PRIVILEGE-LEVEL:
IF OperandSize=32 THEN Top (16+immediate) bytes on stack must be within stack limits ELSE #SS(0); ELSE Top (8+immediate) bytes on stack must be within stack limits ELSE #SS(0); FI; Examine return CS selector and associated descriptor: Selector must be non-null ELSE #GP(0); Selector index must be within its descriptor table limits ELSE #GP(selector) Descriptor AR byte must indicate code segment ELSE #GP(selector); IF non-conforming THEN code segment DPL must equal return selector RPL ELSE #GP(selector); FI; IF conforming THEN code segment DPL must be . return selector RPL; ELSE #GP(selector); FI; Segment must be present ELSE #NP(selector) Examine return SS selector and associated descriptor: Selector must be non-null ELSE #GP(0); Selector index must be within its descriptor table limits ELSE #GP(selector); Selector RPL must equal the RPL of the return CS selector ELSE #GP(selector); Descriptor AR byte must indicate a writable data segment ELSE #GP(selector); Descriptor DPL must equal the RPL of the return CS selector ELSE #GP(selector); Segment must be present ELSE #NP(selector); IP must be in code segment limit ELSE #GP(0); Set CPL to the RPL of the return CS selector; IF OperandMode=32 THEN Load CS:EIP from stack; Set CS RPL to CPL; Increment eSP by 8 plus the immediate offset if it exists; Load SS:eSP from stack; ELSE (* OperandMode=16 *) Load CS:IP from stack; Set CS RPL to CPL; Increment eSP by 4 plus the immediate offset if it exists; Load SS:eSP from stack; FI; Load the CS register with the return CS descriptor; Load the SS register with the return SS descriptor; For each of ES, FS, GS, and DS DO IF the current register setting is not valid for the outer level, set the register to null (selector <- AR <- 0); To be valid, the register setting must satisfy the following properties: Selector index must be within descriptor table limits; Descriptor AR byte must indicate data or readable code segment; IF segment is data or non-conforming code, THEN DPL must be . CPL, or DPL must be . RPL; FI; OD;Description
RET transfers control to a return address located on the stack. The address is usually placed on the stack by a CALL instruction, and the return is made to the instruction that follows the CALL.
The optional numeric parameter to RET gives the number of stack bytes (OperandMode=16) or words (OperandMode=32) to be released after the return address is popped. These items are typically used as input parameters to the procedure called.
For the intrasegment (near) return, the address on the stack is a segment offset, which is popped into the instruction pointer. The CS register is unchanged. For the intersegment (far) return, the address on the stack is a long pointer. The offset is popped first, followed by the selector.
In real mode, CS and IP are loaded directly. In Protected Mode, an intersegment return causes the processor to check the descriptor addressed by the return selector. The AR byte of the descriptor must indicate a code segment of equal or lesser privilege (or greater or equal numeric value) than the current privilege level. Returns to a lesser privilege level cause the stack to be reloaded from the value saved beyond the parameter block.
The DS, ES, FS, and GS segment registers can be set to 0 by the RET instruction during an interlevel transfer. If these registers refer to segments that cannot be used by the new privilege level, they are set to 0 to prevent unauthorized access from the new privilege level.
Flags Affected
Protected Mode Exceptions
#GP, #NP, or #SS, as described under "Operation" above; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault
Real Address Mode Exceptions
Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would be outside the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH
Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions
Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault