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17.3.M 'M' Instructions

MOV -- Move Data

Opcode   Instruction       Clocks        Description

88  /r   MOV r/m8,r8       2/2           Move byte register to r/m byte
89  /r   MOV r/m16,r16     2/2           Move word register to r/m word
89  /r   MOV r/m32,r32     2/2           Move dword register to r/m dword
8A  /r   MOV r8,r/m8       2/4           Move r/m byte to byte register
8B  /r   MOV r16,r/m16     2/4           Move r/m word to word register
8B  /r   MOV r32,r/m32     2/4           Move r/m dword to dword register
8C  /r   MOV r/m16,Sreg    2/2           Move segment register to r/m word
8D  /r   MOV Sreg,r/m16    2/5,pm=18/19  Move r/m word to segment register
A0       MOV AL,moffs8     4             Move byte at (seg:offset) to AL
A1       MOV AX,moffs16    4             Move word at (seg:offset) to AX
A1       MOV EAX,moffs32   4             Move dword at (seg:offset) to EAX
A2       MOV moffs8,AL     2             Move AL to (seg:offset)
A3       MOV moffs16,AX    2             Move AX to (seg:offset)
A3       MOV moffs32,EAX   2             Move EAX to (seg:offset)
B0 + rb  MOV reg8,imm8     2             Move immediate byte to register
B8 + rw  MOV reg16,imm16   2             Move immediate word to register
B8 + rd  MOV reg32,imm32   2             Move immediate dword to register
C6       MOV r/m8,imm8     2/2           Move immediate byte to r/m byte
C7       MOV r/m16,imm16   2/2           Move immediate word to r/m word
C7       MOV r/m32,imm32   2/2           Move immediate dword to r/m dword

  moffs8, moffs16, and moffs32 all consist of a simple offset relative
  to the segment base. The 8, 16, and 32 refer to the size of the data. The
  address-size attribute of the instruction determines the size of the
  offset, either 16 or 32 bits.



MOV copies the second operand to the first operand.

If the destination operand is a segment register (DS, ES, SS, etc.), then data from a descriptor is also loaded into the register. The data for the register is obtained from the descriptor table entry for the selector given. A null selector (values 0000-0003) can be loaded into DS and ES registers without causing an exception; however, use of DS or ES causes a #GP(0), and no memory reference occurs.

A MOV into SS inhibits all interrupts until after the execution of the next instruction (which is presumably a MOV into eSP).

Loading a segment register under 80386 Protected Mode results in special checks and actions, as described in the following listing:

IF SS is loaded; THEN

   IF selector is null THEN #GP(0);
   Selector index must be within its descriptor table limits else
   Selector's RPL must equal CPL else #GP(selector);
AR byte must indicate a writable data segment else #GP(selector);
   DPL in the AR byte must equal CPL else #GP(selector);
   Segment must be marked present else #SS(selector);
   Load SS with selector;
   Load SS with descriptor.
IF DS, ES, FS or GS is loaded with non-null selector;
   Selector index must be within its descriptor table limits
      else #GP(selector);
   AR byte must indicate data or readable code segment else
   IF data or nonconforming code segment
   THEN both the RPL and the CPL must be less than or equal to DPL in
      AR byte;
   ELSE #GP(selector);
   Segment must be marked present else #NP(selector);
   Load segment register with selector;
   Load segment register with descriptor;
IF DS, ES, FS or GS is loaded with a null selector;
   Load segment register with selector;
   Clear descriptor valid bit;
Flags Affected


Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP, #SS, and #NP if a segment register is being loaded; otherwise, #GP(0) if the destination is in a nonwritable segment; #GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

MOV -- Move to/from Special Registers

Opcode      Instruction           Clocks   Description

0F  20 /r   MOV r32,CR0/CR2/CR3   6        Move (control register) to
0F  22 /r   MOV CR0/CR2/CR3,r32   10/4/5   Move (register) to (control
0F  21 /r   MOV r32,DR0 -- 3      22       Move (debug register) to
0F  21 /r   MOV r32,DR6/DR7       14       Move (debug register) to
0F  23 /r   MOV DR0 -- 3,r32      22       Move (register) to (debug
0F  23 /r   MOV DR6/DR7,r32       16       Move (register) to (debug
0F  24 /r   MOV r32,TR6/TR7       12       Move (test register) to
0F  26 /r   MOV TR6/TR7,r32       12       Move (register) to (test




The above forms of MOV store or load the following special registers in or from a general purpose register:

  -  Control registers CR0, CR2, and CR3
  -  Debug Registers DR0, DR1, DR2, DR3, DR6, and DR7
  -  Test Registers TR6 and TR7
32-bit operands are always used with these instructions, regardless of the operand-size attribute.

Flags Affected

OF, SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF are undefined

Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) if the current privilege level is not 0

Real Address Mode Exceptions


Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) if instruction execution is attempted


The instructions must be executed at privilege level 0 or in real-address mode; otherwise, a protection exception will be raised.

The reg field within the ModRM byte specifies which of the special registers in each category is involved. The two bits in the field are always 11. The r/m field specifies the general register involved.

MOVS/MOVSB/MOVSW/MOVSD -- Move Data from String to String

Opcode  Instruction      Clocks   Description

A4      MOVS m8,m8       7        Move byte [(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI]
A5      MOVS m16,m16     7        Move word [(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI]
A5      MOVS m32,m32     7        Move dword [(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI]
A4      MOVSB            7        Move byte DS:[(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI]
A5      MOVSW            7        Move word DS:[(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI]
A5      MOVSD            7        Move dword DS:[(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI]


IF (instruction = MOVSD) OR (instruction has doubleword operands) THEN OperandSize <- 32; ELSE OperandSize <- 16; IF AddressSize = 16 THEN use SI for source-index and DI for destination-index; ELSE (* AddressSize = 32 *)

   use ESI for source-index and EDI for destination-index;
IF byte type of instruction
   [destination-index] <- [source-index]; (* byte assignment *)
   IF DF = 0 THEN IncDec <- 1 ELSE IncDec <- -1; FI;
   IF OperandSize = 16
      [destination-index] <- [source-index]; (* word assignment *)
      IF DF = 0 THEN IncDec <- 2 ELSE IncDec <- -2; FI;
   ELSE (* OperandSize = 32 *)
      [destination-index] <- [source-index]; (* doubleword assignment *)
      IF DF = 0 THEN IncDec <- 4 ELSE IncDec <- -4; FI;
source-index <- source-index + IncDec;
destination-index <- destination-index + IncDec;


MOVS copies the byte or word at [(E)SI] to the byte or word at ES:[(E)DI]. The destination operand must be addressable from the ES register; no segment override is possible for the destination. A segment override can be used for the source operand; the default is DS.

The addresses of the source and destination are determined solely by the contents of (E)SI and (E)DI. Load the correct index values into (E)SI and (E)DI before executing the MOVS instruction. MOVSB, MOVSW, and MOVSD are synonyms for the byte, word, and doubleword MOVS instructions.

After the data is moved, both (E)SI and (E)DI are advanced automatically. If the direction flag is 0 (CLD was executed), the registers are incremented; if the direction flag is 1 (STD was executed), the registers are decremented. The registers are incremented or decremented by 1 if a byte was moved, 2 if a word was moved, or 4 if a doubleword was moved.

MOVS can be preceded by the REP prefix for block movement of CX bytes or words. Refer to the REP instruction for details of this operation.

Flags Affected


Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) if the result is in a nonwritable segment; #GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

MOVSX -- Move with Sign-Extend

Opcode     Instruction        Clocks   Description

0F  BE /r  MOVSX r16,r/m8     3/6      Move byte to word with sign-extend
0F  BE /r  MOVSX r32,r/m8     3/6      Move byte to dword, sign-extend
0F  BF /r  MOVSX r32,r/m16    3/6      Move word to dword, sign-extend


DEST <- SignExtend(SRC);


MOVSX reads the contents of the effective address or register as a byte or a word, sign-extends the value to the operand-size attribute of the instruction (16 or 32 bits), and stores the result in the destination register.

Flags Affected


Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

MOVZX -- Move with Zero-Extend

Opcode      Instruction        Clocks   Description

0F  B6 /r   MOVZX r16,r/m8     3/6      Move byte to word with zero-extend
0F  B6 /r   MOVZX r32,r/m8     3/6      Move byte to dword, zero-extend
0F  B7 /r   MOVZX r32,r/m16    3/6      Move word to dword, zero-extend


DEST <- ZeroExtend(SRC);


MOVZX reads the contents of the effective address or register as a byte or a word, zero extends the value to the operand-size attribute of the instruction (16 or 32 bits), and stores the result in the destination register.

Flags Affected


Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

MUL -- Unsigned Multiplication of AL or AX

Opcode  Instruction     Clocks       Description
F6 /4 MUL AL,r/m8 9-14/12-17 Unsigned multiply (AX <- AL * r/m byte) F7 /4 MUL AX,r/m16 9-22/12-25 Unsigned multiply (DX:AX <- AX * r/m
F7  /4  MUL EAX,r/m32   9-38/12-41   Unsigned multiply (EDX:EAX <- EAX * r/m

  The 80386 uses an early-out multiply algorithm. The actual number of
  clocks depends on the position of the most significant bit in the 
  optimizing multiplier, shown underlined above. The optimization occurs
  for positive and negative multiplier values. Because of the early-out
  algorithm, clock counts given are minimum to maximum. To calculate the
  actual clocks, use the following formula:

    Actual clock = if  <> 0 then max(ceiling(log{2} |m|), 3) + 6 clocks;

    Actual clock = if  = 0 then 9 clocks

  where m is the multiplier.

IF byte-size operation THEN AX <- AL * r/m8 ELSE (* word or doubleword operation *)

   IF OperandSize = 16
   THEN DX:AX <- AX * r/m16
   ELSE (* OperandSize = 32 *)
      EDX:EAX <- EAX * r/m32

MUL performs unsigned multiplication. Its actions depend on the size of its operand, as follows:

  -  A byte operand is multiplied by AL; the result is left in AX. The
     carry and overflow flags are set to 0 if AH is 0; otherwise, they are
     set to 1.

  -  A word operand is multiplied by AX; the result is left in DX:AX.
     DX contains the high-order 16 bits of the product. The carry and
     overflow flags are set to 0 if DX is 0; otherwise, they are set to 1.

  -  A doubleword operand is multiplied by EAX and the result is left in
     EDX:EAX. EDX contains the high-order 32 bits of the product. The
     carry and overflow flags are set to 0 if EDX is 0; otherwise, they are
     set to 1.
Flags Affected

OF and CF as described above; SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF are undefined

Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

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