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17.3.I 'I' Instructions

IDIV -- Signed Divide

Opcode      Instruction        Clocks   Description

F6 /7       IDIV r/m8          19       Signed divide AX by r/m byte
                                        (AL=Quo, AH=Rem)
F7 /7       IDIV AX,r/m16      27       Signed divide DX:AX by EA word
                                        (AX=Quo, DX=Rem)
F7 /7       IDIV EAX,r/m32     43       Signed divide EDX:EAX by DWORD
                                        byte (EAX=Quo, EDX=Rem)


temp <- dividend / divisor; IF temp does not fit in quotient THEN Interrupt 0; ELSE quotient <- temp; remainder <- dividend MOD (r/m); FI;

  Divisions are signed. The divisor is given by the r/m operand. The
  dividend, quotient, and remainder use implicit registers. Refer to the
  table under "Description."

IDIV performs a signed division. The dividend, quotient, and remainder are implicitly allocated to fixed registers. Only the divisor is given as an explicit r/m operand. The type of the divisor determines which registers to use as follows:

Size     Divisor    Quotient    Remainder  Dividend
byte     r/m8        AL           AH       AX
word     r/m16       AX           DX       DX:AX
dword    r/m32       EAX          EDX      EDX:EAX
If the resulting quotient is too large to fit in the destination, or if the division is 0, an Interrupt 0 is generated. Nonintegral quotients are truncated toward 0. The remainder has the same sign as the dividend and the absolute value of the remainder is always less than the absolute value of the divisor.

Flags Affected

OF, SF, ZF, AR, PF, CF are undefined.

Protected Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 0 if the quotient is too large to fit in the designated register (AL or AX), or if the divisor is 0; #GP (0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 0 if the quotient is too large to fit in the designated register (AL or AX), or if the divisor is 0; Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

IMUL -- Signed Multiply

Opcode      Instruction            Clocks      Description
F6 /5 IMUL r/m8 9-14/12-17 AX<- AL * r/m byte F7 /5 IMUL r/m16 9-22/12-25 DX:AX <- AX * r/m word F7 /5 IMUL r/m32 9-38/12-41 EDX:EAX <- EAX * r/m dword 0F AF /r IMUL r16,r/m16 9-22/12-25 word register <- word
                                               register * r/m word
0F  AF /r   IMUL r32,r/m32         9-38/12-41  dword register <- dword
                                               register * r/m dword
6B  /r ib   IMUL r16,r/m16,imm8    9-14/12-17  word register <- r/m16 *
                                               sign-extended immediate byte
6B  /r ib   IMUL r32,r/m32,imm8    9-14/12-17  dword register <- r/m32 *
                                               sign-extended immediate byte
6B  /r ib   IMUL r16,imm8          9-14/12-17  word register <- word
                                               register * sign-extended
                                               immediate byte
6B  /r ib   IMUL r32,imm8          9-14/12-17  dword register <- dword
                                               register * sign-extended
                                               immediate byte
69  /r iw   IMUL r16,r/m16,imm16   9-22/12-25  word register <- r/m16 *
                                               immediate word
69  /r id   IMUL r32,r/m32,imm32   9-38/12-41  dword register <- r/m32 *
                                               immediate dword
69  /r iw   IMUL r16,imm16         9-22/12-25  word register <- r/m16 *
                                               immediate word
69  /r id   IMUL r32,imm32         9-38/12-41  dword register <- r/m32 *
                                               immediate dword

  The 80386 uses an early-out multiply algorithm. The actual number of
  clocks depends on the position of the most significant bit in the
  optimizing multiplier, shown underlined above. The optimization occurs for
  positive and negative values. Because of the early-out algorithm, clock
  counts given are minimum to maximum. To calculate the actual clocks, use
  the following formula:

  Actual clock = if m <> 0 then max(ceiling(log{2} |m|), 3) + 6 clocks  
  Actual clock = if m = 0 then 9 clocks   
  (where m is the multiplier)
Add three clocks if the multiplier is a memory operand.


result <- multiplicand * multiplier;


IMUL performs signed multiplication. Some forms of the instruction use implicit register operands. The operand combinations for all forms of the instruction are shown in the "Description" column above.

IMUL clears the overflow and carry flags under the following conditions:

   Instruction Form    Condition for Clearing CF and OF
   r/m8                AL = sign-extend of AL to 16 bits
   r/m16               AX = sign-extend of AX to 32 bits
   r/m32               EDX:EAX = sign-extend of EAX to 32 bits
   r16,r/m16           Result exactly fits within r16
   r/32,r/m32          Result exactly fits within r32
   r16,r/m16,imm16     Result exactly fits within r16
   r32,r/m32,imm32     Result exactly fits within r32
Flags Affected

OF and CF as described above; SF, ZF, AF, and PF are undefined

Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

Same exeptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault


When using the accumulator forms (IMUL r/m8, IMUL r/m16, or IMUL r/m32), the result of the multiplication is available even if the overflow flag is set because the result is two times the size of the multiplicand and multiplier. This is large enough to handle any possible result.

IN -- Input from Port

Opcode    Instruction   Clocks            Description

E4  ib    IN AL,imm8    12,pm=6*/26**     Input byte from immediate port
                                          into AL
E5  ib    IN AX,imm8    12,pm=6*/26**     Input word from immediate port
                                          into AX
E5  ib    IN EAX,imm8   12,pm=6*/26**     Input dword from immediate port
                                          into EAX
EC        IN AL,DX      13,pm=7*/27**     Input byte from port DX into AL
ED        IN AX,DX      13,pm=7*/27**     Input word from port DX into AX
ED        IN EAX,DX     13,pm=7*/27**     Input dword from port DX into

   *If CPL . IOPL
  **If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode

IF (PE = 1) AND ((VM = 1) OR (CPL > IOPL)) THEN (* Virtual 8086 mode, or protected mode with CPL > IOPL *)

   IF NOT I-O-Permission (SRC, width(SRC))
   THEN #GP(0);
DEST <- [SRC]; (* Reads from I/O address space *)


IN transfers a data byte or data word from the port numbered by the second operand into the register (AL, AX, or EAX) specified by the first operand. Access any port from 0 to 65535 by placing the port number in the DX register and using an IN instruction with DX as the second parameter. These I/O instructions can be shortened by using an 8-bit port I/O in the instruction. The upper eight bits of the port address will be 0 when 8-bit port I/O is used.

Flags Affected


Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) if the current privilege level is larger (has less privilege) than IOPL and any of the corresponding I/O permission bits in TSS equals 1

Real Address Mode Exceptions


Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) fault if any of the corresponding I/O permission bits in TSS equals 1

INC -- Increment by 1

Opcode      Instruction        Clocks      Description

FE  /0      INC r/m8                       Increment r/m byte by 1
FF  /0      INC r/m16                      Increment r/m word by 1
FF  /6      INC r/m32                      Increment r/m dword by 1
40 + rw     INC r16                        Increment word register by 1
40 + rd     INC r32                        Increment dword register by 1


DEST <- DEST + 1;


INC adds 1 to the operand. It does not change the carry flag. To affect the carry flag, use the ADD instruction with a second operand of 1.

Flags Affected

OF, SF, ZF, AF, and PF as described in Appendix C

Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) if the operand is in a nonwritable segment; #GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

INS/INSB/INSW/INSD -- Input from Port to String

Opcode  Instruction    Clocks         Description

6C      INS r/m8,DX    15,pm=9*/29**  Input byte from port DX into ES:(E)DI
6D      INS r/m16,DX   15,pm=9*/29**  Input word from port DX into ES:(E)DI
6D      INS r/m32,DX   15,pm=9*/29**  Input dword from port DX into ES:(E)DI
6C      INSB           15,pm=9*/29**  Input byte from port DX into ES:(E)DI
6D      INSW           15,pm=9*/29**  Input word from port DX into ES:(E)DI
6D      INSD           15,pm=9*/29**  Input dword from port DX into ES:(E)DI

   *If CPL . IOPL
  **If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode

IF AddressSize = 16 THEN use DI for dest-index; ELSE (* AddressSize = 32 *)

   use EDI for dest-index;
IF (PE = 1) AND ((VM = 1) OR (CPL > IOPL))
THEN (* Virtual 8086 mode, or protected mode with CPL > IOPL *)
   IF NOT I-O-Permission (SRC, width(SRC))
   THEN #GP(0);
IF byte type of instruction
   ES:[dest-index] <- [DX]; (* Reads byte at DX from I/O address space *)
   IF DF = 0 THEN IncDec <- 1 ELSE IncDec <- -1; FI;
IF OperandSize = 16
   ES:[dest-index] <- [DX]; (* Reads word at DX from I/O address space *)
   IF DF = 0 THEN IncDec <- 2 ELSE IncDec <- -2; FI;
IF OperandSize = 32
   ES:[dest-index] <- [DX]; (* Reads dword at DX from I/O address space *)
   IF DF = 0 THEN IncDec <- 4 ELSE IncDec <- -4; FI;
dest-index <- dest-index + IncDec;


INS transfers data from the input port numbered by the DX register to the memory byte or word at ES:dest-index. The memory operand must be addressable from ES; no segment override is possible. The destination register is DI if the address-size attribute of the instruction is 16 bits, or EDI if the address-size attribute is 32 bits.

INS does not allow the specification of the port number as an immediate value. The port must be addressed through the DX register value. Load the correct value into DX before executing the INS instruction.

The destination address is determined by the contents of the destination index register. Load the correct index into the destination index register before executing INS.

After the transfer is made, DI or EDI advances automatically. If the direction flag is 0 (CLD was executed), DI or EDI increments; if the direction flag is 1 (STD was executed), DI or EDI decrements. DI increments or decrements by 1 if a byte is input, by 2 if a word is input, or by 4 if a doubleword is input.

INSB, INSW and INSD are synonyms of the byte, word, and doubleword INS instructions. INS can be preceded by the REP prefix for block input of CX bytes or words. Refer to the REP instruction for details of this operation.

Flags Affected


Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) if CPL is numerically greater than IOPL and any of the corresponding I/O permission bits in TSS equals 1; #GP(0) if the destination is in a nonwritable segment; #GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) fault if any of the corresponding I/O permission bits in TSS equals 1; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

INT/INTO -- Call to Interrupt Procedure

Opcode    Instruction  Clocks          Description

CC        INT 3        33              Interrupt 3--trap to debugger
CC        INT 3        pm=59           Interrupt 3--Protected Mode, same
CC        INT 3        pm=99           Interrupt 3--Protected Mode, more
CC        INT 3        pm=119          Interrupt 3--from V86 mode to PL 0
CC        INT 3        ts              Interrupt 3--Protected Mode, via
                                       task gate
CD ib     INT imm8     37              Interrupt numbered by immediate
CD ib     INT imm8     pm=59           Interrupt--Protected Mode, same
CD ib     INT imm8     pm=99           Interrupt--Protected Mode, more
CD ib     INT imm8     pm=119          Interrupt--from V86 mode to PL 0
CD ib     INT imm8     ts              Interrupt--Protected Mode, via task
CE        INTO         Fail:3,pm=3;
                       Pass:35         Interrupt 4--if overflow flag is 1
CE        INTO         pm=59           Interrupt 4--Protected Mode, same
CE        INTO         pm=99           Interrupt 4--Protected Mode, more
CE        INTO         pm=119          Interrupt 4--from V86 mode to PL 0
CE        INTO         ts              Interrupt 4--Protected Mode, via
                                       task gate

  Approximate values of ts are given by the following table:

                            New Task

Old Task       386 TSS       386 TSS       286 TSS
               VM = 0        VM = 1
TSS VM=0         309           226           282
TSS VM=1         314           231           287
TSS              307           224           280

  The following operational description applies not only to the
  above instructions but also to external interrupts and exceptions.


   Push (FLAGS);
   IF <- 0; (* Clear interrupt flag *)
   TF <- 0; (* Clear trap flag *)
   (* No error codes are pushed *)
   CS <- IDT[Interrupt number * 4].selector;
   IP <- IDT[Interrupt number * 4].offset;
   Interrupt vector must be within IDT table limits,
      else #GP(vector number * 8+2+EXT);
   Descriptor AR byte must indicate interrupt gate, trap gate, or task gate,
      else #GP(vector number * 8+2+EXT);
   IF software interrupt (* i.e. caused by INT n, INT 3, or INTO *)
      IF gate descriptor DPL < CPL
      THEN #GP(vector number * 8+2+EXT);
   Gate must be present, else #NP(vector number * 8+2+EXT);
   IF trap gate OR interrupt gate
   Examine CS selector and descriptor given in the gate descriptor;
   Selector must be non-null, else #GP (EXT);
   Selector must be within its descriptor table limits
      ELSE #GP(selector+EXT);
   Descriptor AR byte must indicate code segment
      ELSE #GP(selector + EXT);
   Segment must be present, else #NP(selector+EXT);
   IF code segment is non-conforming AND DPL < CPL
      IF code segment is conforming OR code segment DPL = CPL
      ELSE #GP(CS selector + EXT);
   Check selector and descriptor for new stack in current TSS;
      Selector must be non-null, else #GP(EXT);
      Selector index must be within its descriptor table limits
         ELSE #TS(SS selector+EXT);
      Selector's RPL must equal DPL of code segment, else #TS(SS
      Stack segment DPL must equal DPL of code segment, else #TS(SS
      Descriptor must indicate writable data segment, else #TS(SS
      Segment must be present, else #SS(SS selector+EXT);
   IF 32-bit gate
   THEN New stack must have room for 20 bytes else #SS(0)
   ELSE New stack must have room for 10 bytes else #SS(0)
   Instruction pointer must be within CS segment boundaries else #GP(0);
   Load new SS and eSP value from TSS;
   IF 32-bit gate
   THEN CS:EIP <- selector:offset from gate;
   ELSE CS:IP <- selector:offset from gate;
   Load CS descriptor into invisible portion of CS register;
   Load SS descriptor into invisible portion of SS register;
   IF 32-bit gate
      Push (long pointer to old stack) (* 3 words padded to 4 *);
      Push (EFLAGS);
      Push (long pointer to return location) (* 3 words padded to 4*);
      Push (long pointer to old stack) (* 2 words *);
      Push (FLAGS);
      Push (long pointer to return location) (* 2 words *);
   Set CPL to new code segment DPL;
   Set RPL of CS to CPL;
   IF interrupt gate THEN IF <- 0 (* interrupt flag to 0 (disabled) *); FI;
   TF <- 0;
   NT <- 0;
INTERRUPT-FROM-V86-MODE: TempEFlags <- EFLAGS; VM <- 0; TF <- 0; IF service through Interrupt Gate THEN IF <- 0; TempSS <- SS; TempESP <- ESP; SS <- TSS.SS0; (* Change to level 0 stack segment *) ESP <- TSS.ESP0; (* Change to level 0 stack pointer *)
   Push(GS); (* padded to two words *)
   Push(FS); (* padded to two words *)
   Push(DS); (* padded to two words *)
   Push(ES); (* padded to two words *)
   GS <- 0;
   FS <- 0;
   DS <- 0;
   ES <- 0;
   Push(TempSS); (* padded to two words *)
   Push(CS); (* padded to two words *)
   CS:EIP <- selector:offset from interrupt gate;
   (* Starts execution of new routine in 80386 Protected Mode *)
   IF 32-bit gate
   THEN Current stack limits must allow pushing 10 bytes, else #SS(0);
   ELSE Current stack limits must allow pushing 6 bytes, else #SS(0);
   IF interrupt was caused by exception with error code
   THEN Stack limits must allow push of two more bytes;
   ELSE #SS(0);
   Instruction pointer must be in CS limit, else #GP(0);
   IF 32-bit gate
      Push (EFLAGS);
      Push (long pointer to return location); (* 3 words padded to 4 *)
      CS:EIP <- selector:offset from gate;
   ELSE (* 16-bit gate *)
      Push (FLAGS);
      Push (long pointer to return location); (* 2 words *)
      CS:IP <- selector:offset from gate;
   Load CS descriptor into invisible portion of CS register;
   Set the RPL field of CS to CPL;
   Push (error code); (* if any *)
   IF interrupt gate THEN IF <- 0; FI;
   TF <- 0;
   NT <- 0;
   Examine selector to TSS, given in task gate descriptor;
      Must specify global in the local/global bit, else #TS(TSS selector);
      Index must be within GDT limits, else #TS(TSS selector);
      AR byte must specify available TSS (bottom bits 00001),
         else #TS(TSS selector;
      TSS must be present, else #NP(TSS selector);
   SWITCH-TASKS with nesting to TSS;
   IF interrupt was caused by fault with error code
      Stack limits must allow push of two more bytes, else #SS(0);
      Push error code onto stack;
   Instruction pointer must be in CS limit, else #GP(0);

The INT instruction generates via software a call to an interrupt handler. The immediate operand, from 0 to 255, gives the index number into the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) of the interrupt routine to be called. In Protected Mode, the IDT consists of an array of eight-byte descriptors; the descriptor for the interrupt invoked must indicate an interrupt, trap, or task gate. In Real Address Mode, the IDT is an array of four byte-long pointers. In Protected and Real Address Modes, the base linear address of the IDT is defined by the contents of the IDTR.

The INTO conditional software instruction is identical to the INT interrupt instruction except that the interrupt number is implicitly 4, and the interrupt is made only if the 80386 overflow flag is set.

The first 32 interrupts are reserved by Intel for system use. Some of these interrupts are use for internally generated exceptions.

INT n generally behaves like a far call except that the flags register is pushed onto the stack before the return address. Interrupt procedures return via the IRET instruction, which pops the flags and return address from the stack.

In Real Address Mode, INT n pushes the flags, CS, and the return IP onto the stack, in that order, then jumps to the long pointer indexed by the interrupt number.

Flags Affected


Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP, #NP, #SS, and #TS as indicated under "Operation" above

Real Address Mode Exceptions

None; if the SP or ESP = 1, 3, or 5 before executing INT or INTO, the 80386 will shut down due to insufficient stack space

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) fault if IOPL is less than 3, for INT only, to permit emulation; Interrupt 3 (0CCH) generates Interrupt 3; INTO generates Interrupt 4 if the overflow flag equals 1

IRET/IRETD -- Interrupt Return

Opcode  Instruction  Clocks       Description

CF      IRET         22,pm=38     Interrupt return (far return and pop
CF      IRET         pm=82        Interrupt return to lesser privilege
CF      IRET         ts           Interrupt return, different task (NT = 1)
CF      IRETD        22,pm=38     Interrupt return (far return and pop
CF      IRETD        pm=82        Interrupt return to lesser privilege
CF      IRETD        pm=60        Interrupt return to V86 mode
CF      IRETD        ts           Interrupt return, different task (NT = 1)

  Values of ts are given by the following table:

                            New Task

Old Task       386 TSS       386 TSS       286 TSS
               VM = 0        VM = 1
TSS VM=0         275           224           271
TSS              265           214           232

IF PE = 0 THEN (* Real-address mode *)

   IF OperandSize = 32 (* Instruction = IRETD *)
   THEN EIP <- Pop();
   ELSE (* Instruction = IRET *)
      IP <- Pop();
   CS <- Pop();
   IF OperandSize = 32 (* Instruction = IRETD *)
   THEN EFLAGS <- Pop();
   ELSE (* Instruction = IRET *)
      FLAGS <- Pop();
ELSE (* Protected mode *)
   IF VM = 1
   THEN #GP(0);
      IF NT = 1
         IF VM = 1 in flags image on stack
FI;STACK-RETURN-TO-V86: (* Interrupted procedure was in V86 mode *)
   IF return CS selector RPL < > 3
   THEN #GP(Return selector);
   IF top 36 bytes of stack not within limits
   THEN #SS(0);
   Examine return CS selector and associated descriptor:
      IF selector is null, THEN #GP(0); FI;
      IF selector index not within its descriptor table limits;
      THEN #GP(Return selector);
      IF AR byte does not indicate code segment
      THEN #GP(Return selector);
      IF code segment DPL not = 3;
      THEN #GP(Return selector);
      IF code segment not present
      THEN #NP(Return selector);

   Examine return SS selector and associated descriptor:
      IF selector is null THEN #GP(0); FI;
      IF selector index not within its descriptor table limits
      THEN #GP(SS selector);
      IF selector RPL not = RPL of return CS selector
      THEN #GP(SS selector);
      IF AR byte does not indicate a writable data segment
      THEN #GP(SS selector);
      IF stack segment DPL not = RPL of return CS selector
      THEN #GP(SS selector);
      IF SS not present
      THEN #NP(SS selector);

   IF instruction pointer not within code segment limit  THEN #GP(0);
   EFLAGS <- SS:[eSP + 8]; (* Sets VM in interrupted routine *)
   EIP <- Pop();
   CS <- Pop(); (* CS behaves as in 8086, due to VM = 1 *)
   throwaway <- Pop(); (* pop away EFLAGS already read *)
   ES <- Pop(); (* pop 2 words; throw away high-order word *)
   DS <- Pop(); (* pop 2 words; throw away high-order word *)
   FS <- Pop(); (* pop 2 words; throw away high-order word *)
   GS <- Pop(); (* pop 2 words; throw away high-order word *)
      TempESP <- Pop();
      TempSS <- Pop();
      SS:ESP <- TempSS:TempESP;

   (* Resume execution in Virtual 8086 mode *)
   Examine Back Link Selector in TSS addressed by the current task
      Must specify global in the local/global bit, else #TS(new TSS
      Index must be within GDT limits, else #TS(new TSS selector);
      AR byte must specify TSS, else #TS(new TSS selector);
      New TSS must be busy, else #TS(new TSS selector);
      TSS must be present, else #NP(new TSS selector);
   SWITCH-TASKS without nesting to TSS specified by back link selector;
   Mark the task just abandoned as NOT BUSY;
   Instruction pointer must be within code segment limit ELSE #GP(0);
   IF OperandSize=32
   THEN Third word on stack must be within stack limits, else #SS(0);
   ELSE Second word on stack must be within stack limits, else #SS(0);
   Return CS selector RPL must be . CPL, else #GP(Return selector);
   IF return selector RPL = CPL
   IF OperandSize=32
      Top 12 bytes on stack must be within limits, else #SS(0);
      Return CS selector (at eSP+4) must be non-null, else #GP(0);
      Top 6 bytes on stack must be within limits, else #SS(0);
      Return CS selector (at eSP+2) must be non-null, else #GP(0);
   Selector index must be within its descriptor table limits, else #GP
      (Return selector);
   AR byte must indicate code segment, else #GP(Return selector);
   IF non-conforming
   THEN code segment DPL must = CPL;
   ELSE #GP(Return selector);
   IF conforming
   THEN code segment DPL must be . CPL, else #GP(Return selector);
   Segment must be present, else #NP(Return selector);
   Instruction pointer must be within code segment boundaries, else #GP(0);
   IF OperandSize=32
      Load CS:EIP from stack;
      Load CS-register with new code segment descriptor;
      Load EFLAGS with third doubleword from stack;
      Increment eSP by 12;
      Load CS-register with new code segment descriptor;
      Load FLAGS with third word on stack;
      Increment eSP by 6;
   IF OperandSize=32
   THEN Top 20 bytes on stack must be within limits, else #SS(0);
   ELSE Top 10 bytes on stack must be within limits, else #SS(0);
   Examine return CS selector and associated descriptor:
      Selector must be non-null, else #GP(0);
      Selector index must be within its descriptor table limits;
         ELSE #GP(Return selector);
      AR byte must indicate code segment, else #GP(Return selector);
      IF non-conforming
      THEN code segment DPL must = CS selector RPL;
      ELSE #GP(Return selector);
      IF conforming
      THEN code segment DPL must be > CPL;
      ELSE #GP(Return selector);
      Segment must be present, else #NP(Return selector);
   Examine return SS selector and associated descriptor:
      Selector must be non-null, else #GP(0);
      Selector index must be within its descriptor table limits
         ELSE #GP(SS selector);
      Selector RPL must equal the RPL of the return CS selector
         ELSE #GP(SS selector);
      AR byte must indicate a writable data segment, else #GP(SS selector);
      Stack segment DPL must equal the RPL of the return CS selector
         ELSE #GP(SS selector);
      SS must be present, else #NP(SS selector);

   Instruction pointer must be within code segment limit ELSE #GP(0);
   IF OperandSize=32
      Load CS:EIP from stack;
      Load EFLAGS with values at (eSP+8);
      Load CS:IP from stack;
      Load FLAGS with values at (eSP+4);
   Load SS:eSP from stack;
   Set CPL to the RPL of the return CS selector;
   Load the CS register with the CS descriptor;
   Load the SS register with the SS descriptor;
   FOR each of ES, FS, GS, and DS
      IF the current value of the register is not valid for the outer level;
      THEN zero the register and clear the valid flag;
      To be valid, the register setting must satisfy the following
         Selector index must be within descriptor table limits;
         AR byte must indicate data or readable code segment;
         IF segment is data or non-conforming code,
         THEN DPL must be . CPL, or DPL must be . RPL;

In Real Address Mode, IRET pops the instruction pointer, CS, and the flags register from the stack and resumes the interrupted routine.

In Protected Mode, the action of IRET depends on the setting of the nested task flag (NT) bit in the flag register. When popping the new flag image from the stack, the IOPL bits in the flag register are changed only when CPL equals 0.

If NT equals 0, IRET returns from an interrupt procedure without a task switch. The code returned to must be equally or less privileged than the interrupt routine (as indicated by the RPL bits of the CS selector popped from the stack). If the destination code is less privileged, IRET also pops the stack pointer and SS from the stack.

If NT equals 1, IRET reverses the operation of a CALL or INT that caused a task switch. The updated state of the task executing IRET is saved in its task state segment. If the task is reentered later, the code that follows IRET is executed.

Flags Affected

All; the flags register is popped from stack

Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP, #NP, or #SS, as indicated under "Operation" above

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand being popped lies beyond address 0FFFFH

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) fault if IOPL is less than 3, to permit emulation

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